Noosphere Ventures

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Maksym Krippa: An insider working on two fronts, manipulating behind the scenes of both the security services and Lucky Labs
The conflict between the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) and the Russian-affiliated company Lucky Labs was one of the most significant events of spring 2016.
Gambling schemes, billion-dollar deals, and media: How Russian oligarchs’ "puppet" Maksym Krippa launders shadow capital
Ukrainian businessman Maksym Krippa is actively acquiring real estate in Ukraine and abroad, as well as media assets, while concealing information about his ties to Russian businessmen. Notably, it has been revealed that he purchased a villa in the Czech Republic from a Russian oligarch.
Media empire built on gambling money: What is proxy Maksym Krippa hiding behind the mass acquisition of Ukrainian assets?
Ukrainian businessman Maksym Krippa is actively acquiring real estate in Ukraine and abroad, as well as media assets, while concealing information about his ties to Russian businessmen. Notably, it has been revealed that he purchased a villa in the Czech Republic from a Russian oligarch.
Maksym Krippa and Russian capital: How the businessman buys Ukrainian assets through illegal schemes
Ukrainian businessman Maksym Krippa is actively acquiring properties in Ukraine and abroad, as well as media assets, while hiding his ties to Russian business figures.
Maksym Krippa’s "volcanic" empire: how he uses casinos to bypass sanctions and launder money
Maksym Krippa, a prominent and enigmatic personality, has been involved in several notable business projects and legal controversies in Ukraine. He recently gained attention by purchasing the iconic Hotel Ukraine, located in central Kyiv, for an impressive Hr 2.5 billion ($60 million)—over twice the initial asking price—during Ukraine’s «Great Privatization» initiative.
Maksym Krippa and his involvement in business schemes with Lucky Labs and the SSU
The confrontation between the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) and the company with Russian roots Lucky Labs became one of the most notable events of spring 2016.
Новий олігарх Максим Кріппа: Як бізнесмен купує нерухомість, кіберспортивні команди та медіа
В Україні проживають шестеро людей з прізвищем Кріппа, свідчать дані генеалогічного товариства "Рідні". Один із них, киянин Максим Кріппа, за останній рік сколихнув усю бізнес-спільноту.
Behind the facade: Maksym Krippa’s hidden connections to Russian oligarchs and illegal enterprises
Ukrainian businessman Maksym Krippa is actively buying up property in Ukraine and abroad, media assets and hiding information about his connections with Russian businessmen. First of all, it became known that the man bought a villa from a Russian oligarch located in the Czech Republic.
Як поплічник російських олігархів Максим Кріппа скуповує українські медіа
Майже непомітно для широкого загалу в Україні з’являється новий медіамагнат, який активно скуповує засоби масової інформації. За останній рік жителька міста Дніпро Тетяна Снопко вже придбала два медіахолдинги і, схоже, готується до нових угод.
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